Buying or Selling a home represents something different to each person. It can be Exciting, Relieving, Sad or Stressful. But it always means bringing a part of your life to an end and starting a new beginning somewhere else. We know how important it is to put your trust in the right person to guide you through that journey and accomplish your goals. We consider it a privilege to be part of such a pivotal moment in peoples lives and our role is to ensure that what's in your best interest is always at the forefront. We are passionate about what we do and we love that we get to help others during such an important event in their lives, while taking care of our family at the same time. Let us Help you Home...Finally Home.
Jilayna Arcoren
Broker Associate
License Number: 40860348
Welcome and thank you for using our site in search for your perfect home! Make sure to ask about our free moving services which include the use of our moving truck! We love providing value and service to our Community.
I'm Jilayna Arcoren, Local MN Real Estate Broker and Vice President of Sales Operations with The Enclave Team and REAL Brokerage.
My background in sales and quality assurance, along with my passion for helping others and working with people, serve as the foundation for Service to my clients. I focus on communication and attention to detail to ensure that your needs are met when it comes to selling or finding a home. I have 25 years of sales experience and every client I have the privilege of working with is my highest priority. I will be your personal Real Estate advocate throughout your moving Journey, helping you home.
Davis Arcoren
License Number: 40672710
Davis offers over 25 years of experience in sales and Inspections as part of his Client Service. As an active Home Inspector in the state of Minnesota, he takes a more detailed approach to guiding clients through their home showings by pointing out the difference between safety issues and standard home maintenance, all the while helping them make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing a home. Davis Prides himself on 5 star service to each and every person he has the privilege of working with.
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